The Best Male Penis Enlargement Methods:

The best and most effective way to enlarge your penis is to combine several methods and products. The things you need for this method: Penis enlarger, penis exercises and penis pills. The 3 things work very well together and improve the effect of each other.

Your daily routine: Start the day off with a penis warm-up exercises followed by a 5-10 min. Jelqing session. Mount the penis extender on your penis and use the penis extender for 3-6 hours. Finish off with a glass of water and a penis pill, this will increase the blood flow to your penis and help the penis enlargement process.

Expected penis enlargement in a half year: 4-5 cm. longer penis and 2-3 cm. longer penis girth.

Penis extender

A Penis extender is a device that you can mount on your penis and stretch it. Before your put the penis extender on your penis you can adjust the strength that it will stretch your penis with. The more strength you put on the device, the longer your penis gets. It’s important to use the device as many hours as possible since this is the main factor for a longer penis.

Expected penis enlargement in a half year: 3-5 cm longer penis and 1-2 cm. longer penis girth.

Penis pump

A penis pump is for you who do not want to spend the time and the money that a penis extender requires. A penis pump works by putting the pump over your penis and pump air or water (depending on the model) out of the pump to create an under pressure. This will force more blood out in to your penis and increase the size of your penis.

You should use the penis pump for about 20 min. each day. Your penis will increase up to 2-3 cm. in length and 3-4 cm. in girth if you use it 20 min. a day for 6 months. This is the best penis enlargement if you have a thin penis.

Expected results after a half year: 2-3 cm. longer penis and 3-4 cm. longer penis girth.

Penis pills and penis exercises

Penis pills and penis exercises goes hand in hand. You can gain a very little length and girth if you use one of them, but you will see huge gains when you use them together. The penis exercises will stretch your penis longer and wider and the penis pills will pump extra blood into your penis, making it larger and rock hard.

It does not require that much time and you can see some great results in a few months. Most penis pills are sold together with a penis enlargement exercises program.

Expected results after 6 months: 2-3 cm. longer penis and 2-3 cm longer penis girth.

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